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vs. Tips - Zangief

Surprise, surprise: easy street. Positioning and trapping's the key here, with the Bad Stone and Crack Kick major helpers.

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03. Skyrax scribbled on 11 Oct 99

DO NOT GET CLOSE TO HIM!! His throw range may have been shortened since SFA2, but if you're to close, it is not hard to get sucked into oneof his numerous throws. Stay on the opposite side of the screen and pelt him with numerous Badt Stones, but try to mix it up with delkayed stones and the fake throws (QCF+Start) to sucker him into letting down his guard.

If he absolutely insists on getting close to you, then sparingly use the Criminal Uppercut to keep him away. Since most players don't block right up-close so they can begin throwing you, make him eat a super (kick usually works because it can hit low, but the punch does so much more dammage, plus the laughter at the end...) and use the Bad Spray counterattack.


02. Ziggy scribbled on 23 Jan 99

I never had much use for the held bad stone or the fake bad stone, 'till people started using this oaf. If you can mix up the standard throw, the held rock throw, and the fake throw, with all three punches, you can keep him pinned in the opposite corner for the entire match. Follow the fake throw with a jump in, if he tried to jump over the rock you can tag him with a j. forward, if he stayed on the ground then cross your fingers and go for a combo, you've got decent odds. If he starts to get close while your shoveling rocks at him, use a f+roundhouse. If you time it right, it can hit him even at the peak of his jump.

PS. Zangief is one of the only fighters that the Bad Spray (dirt throw) actually works well against. Use it if he tries to get close after a Spinning Lariat or hitting you out of the air.


01. Tat scribbled on 05 Feb 99

The big Z himself. Cody does extremely well in this match-up because of Zangief's inability to get round the Bad Stone and Crack Kick. Pepper your attacks with occasional stand-alone f+roundhouses and vary your Bad Stones (delay, different strength, fake, etc.).

Jumping in on Zan with a roundhouse aimed at his head (not too far, not too deep, just with the tip of your feet) is always encouraged, but it's ill-advised to continue combos with jabs or shorts as mis-timed attempts will get eaten up by a SPD, or worse FAB. Just stick out a normal move like a s.forward after a meaty jump-in to be safe and mix it up with rocks and crack kicks. In fact, going for a cross-up should never cross your mind since it'll get Zangief out of jail with his spinning lariet(..heh heh.. lots of hidden puns ^_^)

Anti-air becomes a bit tricky 'cos of that monster splash which has tons of priority. I usually stick out an early roundhouse Raffian Kick or just jump back with a forward. Zangief has to come to you to be effective, and Cody can play keep-away quite easily, so the onus is on him to close you out. Most of the time however, Zangief will be forced to a corner and left with no room to operate.

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vs. Tips
