I've amassed a
shitload of Cody strategy onto this page, so pick up a few pointers
and have fun with him. Send in your own tips using the guestbook.
Character specific
..more to come..
FAQs written for Cody
Ziggy - V-ism Cody FAQ, v. 4.20, 01
Mar 99
SSyous - The Really Cool Cody FAQ,
v. 1.0, 14 Feb 99
tigeraid - Cody Character Guide,
v. 1.0, 14 Feb 99
26. Myke
scribbled on 14 Jan 99 about X-Cody's FF super
As I suspected, the Final Fight "infinite"
(2 punches, punch away, repeat) does work. After getting my copy of
Zero3 I tested it out and managed to get a 10 hit combo before stuffing
it up. You need to do it ultra fast with impeccable timing. At times
I felt like I was spazzing out :) But it is definitely doable!
You can apply the same principle of the FF "infinite" in a different
way. That is, 2 punches, crouch punch (or two), repeat. The key
to all of these remains the same, which is to cancel out of the
canned-combo. This method works best when the opponent is the air,
like after a juggle.The FF "infinite" is either
1. two standing punches2. turn away and punch (once) 3. turn toward
and go to step 1
1. two standing punches2. one crouching punch 3. go to step 1(note:
you can swap step 1 and 2)
The 2nd method is much easier to perform since you're always attacking
and it's not as strict on the number of crouch punches you pull
(two or three work fine). Just as long as you satisfy the "cancel
the canned combo" rule, it'll work.
With this combo:
- jump in fierce, crouch fierce into hurricane (qcb+HP) (opponent
- activate super immediately (qcf,qcf+P)
- FF "infinite" combo
inflicts around 60% damage in the vicinity of 35 hits (using the
2nd method for the FF "infinite"). Like I already mentioned, the
1st technique is quite hard (for me) to do and I couldn't combo
the FF "infinite" for more than around 10 hits. Methinks more practice
is required.
Instead of the above FF "infinite" techniques you can also just crouch
punch, while in FF mode, which will juggle the opponent until your
super runs out. But you won't get as many hits in, thus do less damage,
and it'll look dead boring! Anyway, that was after my first ever night
of playing with Cody. Kinda fun. |
25. MCTek
scribbled on 11 Jan 99 about X-Cody's cool and useful super
Here's how the super works : activate
the super and you can move like you do in Final Fight (but in 2 D).
All the buttons are the same. Jump and button and he does a jump kick
(animation same as f+HK). Duck and he does jabs. His auto combo goes
jab, jab, gut punch, uppercut (criminal upper animation). Press down+button
instead of just button for the fourth hit and he'll do the punch throw.
You can also do jab jab gut punch jump kick if you do the jump kick
with good timing and REALLY fast. This super is none flip-able. Once
the person is hit in the air he cannot flip out (hasn't happened yet)
Here's the set-up : Criminal Upper.
That's about it. In the corner, do any version of the Criminal Upper,
and activate the super. For jab and strong version, you have the oppurtunity
to activate the super and do the jump kick, or jab them when they
come down. If they flip out after the criminal upper than you can
time a crouching/standing jab/fierce and cancel it into the super.
For fierce version, the opponent can flip out closer to the ground.
I believe if you time the super and immediately start jabbing, it
cannot be escaped.
Here's the combos The auto combos are garbage of course. After the
set up you will be able to juggle to your hearts content. There's
several versions.
1) jab, jab, jump kick, repeat Keep throwing jabs and as the opponent
bounce high enough do the jump kick. Repeat. Notice that if the jabs
connect when the opponent is too close to the ground he's go into
the gut punch.
2) jab, jab, gut punch, jump kick, repeat This one takes some nice
timing. Pause just a bit between the first and the second jab. Do
the second jab and the gut punch fast, then the jump kick. This does
a lotta damage but I can never do it for long.
3) jab, jab, gut punch, crouch jab, repeat The same timing as Guy's
imprison chain, the pause between each attack is the same. This is
the easiest to do and does very good damage.
After the Super... Fierce, roundhouse ruffian kick. What else? The
entire combo for me does about 60 to 80 percent. |
24. sCruB
scribbled on 19 Jan 99 about Cody's biggest VC?
What is the biggest VC anyone can get
with Cody?
What I'm doing now is just LP+ LK activate, c.LK> (c.MK> Middle Ruffian
Kick)*@ until reach corner.
If I'm not wrong, the Ruffian Kick juggles infinite times until you
reach the corner ('cos of the c.MK whiff, ala Earth Sodom). Anyway,
I use this primarily as a guard crush. My problem is what to follow
up with once I've got the enemy flying in the corner. I've got a few
theories but have just been screwing up ;>(
1. Juggle away from the corner. Which means you turn around and continue
the combo.
2. Juggle with a s.HK> HP Criminal Upper> s.HK LP Criminal Upper>
c.LP (whiff) Reapeat everything.
The idea to using the HP Hurricane Upper is using an attack that last
long enough to hold the opponent in his place to repeat the combo
then use the LP Criminal Upper to launch the guy so that you can whiff
an attack and reset the juggle counter. Well, anybody got any luck
with these?
P.S- To the uninitiated. Earth Sodom is a top Jap V Sodom player who
uses continuous c.MK> Jitte Strikes in his VCs. The idea is to whiff
the c.MK which would reset the juggle counter (it's kinda of a way
of beating the '2 juggles max' juggle rule). |
23. Ziggy
scribbled on 19 Nov 98 about Sick-endings to kill off a guy
I've got three sick endings for Cody that
the other three guys in the world who use him can do.
1.The dirt throw. Totally insulting. Once the opponent has no power
and you have plenty, spend the entire time hopping around so you can
finish them with dirt.
2.A held rock in a V-combo. Timing is everything. Tag the opponent
with a V-combo in the corner, at least medium strength, fierce+roundhouse
is preferable. Sustain a combo for a few seconds, use mostly criminal
kicks, with a few uppers at the end, then jump back and pick up a
rock but hold it. As Cody stands there smiling, his shadow continues
the punishment. When your shadow's done beating them up hit 'em. If
that's the hit that kills them, it looks so cool. I guess you's have
to see it, the timing's hilarious. People will cheer for you.
3.The same thing, but instead of a rock throw, do a taunt in a V-combo.
As your shadow lands the last hit, the screen flashes blue and the
shadows dissapear, there you are several feet away shaking your wrist.
Your opponent will give you a confused look and then walk away like
a loser. |
22. LVJeff
scribbled on 29 Oct 98 about Random Cody strats
He advances by just jumping with Roundhouse
(combo into low Short into the tornado), or using toward+Roundhouse
to hop towards the enemy, then low Short into the tornado. After the
tornado, he usually jump-Fierce juggles or throws rocks. He mixes
up between these two advances and is pretty persistant. If his low
Shorts are being blocked, he usually toward+Roundhouse over to them
again to try again.
Against people who jump in, it's no contest: Kevin uses the standing
Roundhouse, and barely anything beats that. I'm sure that, as a seasoned
Cody user, these tactics aren't too terribly enlightening for you
:-) |
21. John
scribbled on 29 Dec 98 about Comments on Cody
I don't use Cody so I can't comment on
him much. But I've played and seen some good Cody players though.
I think he is just about average. Not the best combo/damage potential
and doesn't have enough good pokes against Ryu/Ken/Akuma. And being
able to stand up to the shotos is really important since all tourneys
always comprise of many shoto players. But I feel he is really good
against Gief and a few others.
I don't know what he can do in X mode because I've only seen A and
V and both of those modes seem to have some good stuff. But the main
thing going for him is the surprise factor. I'm sure most people have
little experience fighting against him so that alone should help you
out a lot. Especially in a tourney setting. Well, good luck with your
Cody beatdowns. =) |
20. Dale
scribbled on 09 Nov 98 about Playing V-Cody
I'm by no means a Cody expert, and I think
I played him twice, maybe thrice. But, I did play against someone
who was the best Cody that I have seen (though I still beat him, eventually).
V-Cody: Basically, use the slide to gain ground. Let projectiles pass
you (evade). NEver pick up the knife. Throw the rocks to pressure
opponent into jumping. Cody has pretty good priority in the air w/forward(?)
or, is it rh? Anyway, Cody has awesome anti-air w/s.jab (which beats
just about everything, and destroys Honda). When you VC, VC to avoid
an anti-air attack, then s.RH into that Hurricane Punch thingy, repeat.
It does like 22 hits, very good dmg, GC's easily. I still hate Cody,
however. |
19. Ziggy
scribbled on 09 Nov 98 about Damaging non-super combo
Cody's single moves don't do much damage,
but I've found he has one of the most damaging non-super combos in
the game. Somebody from japan must have stolen it from me and put
it in Gamest, I think I saw it in that Jack guys translation.
j. roundhouse->c.strong XX jab criminal upper (walk forward as opponent
flipsout) s. fierce XX roundhouse criminal kick.
On my machine it does like 40% in A-ism. Just don't do it to people
with air supers. |
18. Ziggy
scribbled on 02 Dec 98 about HUGE Cody combo
(opponent in corner) j.roundhouse->cr.
fierce XX fierce hurricane uppercut->cr. fierce XX lvl. 3 Iron Knee->wait,
and if opponent flips out->standing fierce XX roundhouse criminal
I tried to follow some combo system I read somewhere, but I probably
butchered it. The XX means a cancel.
Here's why I think this is a combo. (it hits, don't get me wrong.
I'm just anticipating alot of nay-sayers telling me "you could flip
here, and here, and...") After the hurricane uppercut, your gonna
be stunned fo a while, which means the opponent cannot flip. He won't
even get the oppotunity to flip out until he's fallen to your waist
level, maybe he can't flip at all. But even if he does, he would have
to time it so perfectly it's scary, because like i said earlier, he
is right in front of you and can't flip till you're throwing the second
crouching fierce. The first few hits of the Iron Knee will miss, but
if you timed it right it will eventually pick the opponent up. That
concludes that juggle, you had your two chances. If they don't flip,
let 'em lie where they fall and start up Cody's corner trap. If they
do flip, continue juggling with whatever comes naturally, standing
fierce/criminal kick in my case.
Now a quick recap. That's FOUR fierces, TWO roundhouses, and A LEVEL-FREAKING-THREE-SUPER
in one combo. Anyone out there still think Cody's a joke? |
17. Jack
Lin scribbled on 04 Nov 98 about Gamest Mook translation
1. Jumping Roundhouse -> Low Jab -> Forward
Ruffian Kick or Lv. 2/3 either Super
2. Jumping Roundhouse -> Low Strong -> Short/Forward Ruffian Kick
or Lv. 2/3 either Super
3. MP+MK VC -> Low Jab -> (Forward Ruffian Kick -> Low Forward) *
@ -> (Roundhouse Ruffian Kick -> Low Roundhouse) * @
4. (On the center of the screen) Jumping Roundhouse -> Low Short ->
Jab Criminal Upper -> (Standing Fierce -> Roundhouse Ruffian Kick)/(Low
Fierce -> Roundhouse Ruffian Kick)/Jab Criminal Upper/walk, standing
5. (Corner) Jumping Roundhouse -> Low Short -> Jab Criminal Upper
-> (Standing Fierce -> Roundhouse Ruffian Kick)/Air Kick Throw/Jab
Criminal Upper/Standing Roundhouse |
16. Ivan
S scribbled on an unknown day about Normals and supers review
-Criminal Upper : His best Special Move
! You can Connect two (maybe more?) Criminal upper at once for 10+
hits! Very Cheap move!
-Ravian kick : A dashing kick, use this to counter missed special
moves like those Shoryukens or other moves
-Bad stone : His projectile attack, this move is VERY SLOW, don't
bother using it unless you want to feel some Shinkuu Hadoken in your
face! Worst move. -Bad Spray : his "counter" move. Nothing Special
-Knife pick : Cody will pick up the knife if he is on top of it, his
Punch attacks do more damage, and it also inflicts some Block damage.
his bad stone move will cause him to throw the knife at his opponent.
He will also drop the knife if he is hit by your opponent.
-SUPER MOVE : Final Destruction : Press punch rapidly to make him
perform some multi-hit combos (just like in the Final Fight Series!)
-SUPER MOVE : Dead End iron knee : He will perform a multi-hit Kick
combo attack, similiar with Charlie/Nash 's Crossfire blitz okay,
that's it for now, I've only played this game a couple of times using
him so no combos for now. |
15. LVJeff
scribbled on 28 Oct 98 about X-ism super in a tourney!
Basically Kevin was away from the enemy
(they both had little energy), and he activated X-Cody's Super. It
just so happens that the jumping kick in that mode (while your Super
is activated) is extremely powerful and has especially high priority.
If you hit someone with it, the opponent gets knocked over; it also
has a big hit-area.
Anyhow, Kevin turned it on and started jumping toward the other guy,
pressing kick all the way. I can't remember if he landed a kick or
not, but some how he got fairly close to his opponent. He pushed the
punch buttons about two or three times, but the opponent blocked.
So, instead of finishing the entire punch sequence (which would have
ended in a couple of uppercuts and then a delay), he stopped, took
a step forward, and started punching again. His opponent tried to
make a move, so he started getting hit by the punches, and the whole
combo finished and killed him. Let's just say some luck was involved,
and it was fun to watch :-)
Kevin pretty much uses the Super to advance at someone, trap him in
the corner, and jump at him over and over again. Mixing up the jump-kicks
and the ground punches seems to work all right. |
14. KaiserTuk
scribbled on 26 Aug 98 about Why A-Cody's better than V
I firmly believe that A-Cody is much better
than V-Cody. Here's why:
1. His V combos really aren't that great. Unlike other characters
Cody's V combos don't seem to flow as well as Vega's, Sakura's or
any other character for that matter. If you know better please provide
an example combo.
2. His super combos aren't great but they aren't all that bad. His
kick super snuffs quite a few attacks and has a suprisingly decent
recovery. To add more damage you can tack on a hit at the end of the
roundhouse one. His punch super, I must admit, is almost worthless,
but snuffs high attacks really well. I think it even goes through
fireballs? Again you can tack on another hit at the end of this super.
Also, super combos in general do more damage.
3. More Alpha Counters. Good in a pinch I suppose...
4. Increased damage. Cody does reasonably more damage in Aism. Cody
isn't the best of characters so when he hits he needs to hit hard.
This is especially true when you are fighting Vega or Rolento as you
will have precious few opportinities to hit them. Vism damage simply
doesn't cut it, especially when your meter isn't charged up.
5. Dodging is vastly overrated. In the beta Cody dodged almost every
attack, which reallymade playing against him a pain in the butt. However,
in the final his dodging has been toned down significantly so that
most characters' important attacks will not be dodged. Example, in
the beta most of Rolento's crouching punches would wiff. Now they
don't. 6. Tiny guard crush meter. Now that dodging is toned down his
guard crush meter can be crushed to such an extent that a V-Vega or
a X-Rolento end up with one hit crushes very quickly. If this happens
you might as well get up and get some more quarters.
By switching to Aism I have had more success and have even been able
to do well against good Rolento's and Vega's by patiently trapping
them in the corner. I still have a few problems against Chun Li and
a well balanced Charlie though. This could be a situation where A-Cody
simply suits my style of play but I believe the above issues make
a strong case in general for Aism. |
13. Middlekick
scribbled on an unknown day about Combos
A couple of cody combos.
1) With your opponent in the corner,Jump roundhouse->low jab->low
short->strong criminal upper->jumping fierce->low strong->level 2
dead end irony/fierce criminal upper/roundhouse ruffian kick/bad stone.
2) Jump roundhouse->F+roundhouse->standing fierce-> roundhouse ruffian
3) (with knife) Jump roundhouse->low jabx3-> forward ruffian kick |
12. LVJeff
scribbled on 20 Oct 98 about VCs to experiment with
I have a really short VC for Cody, decent
for a 50% meter.
Get right next to the opponent, and lure him/her into sticking out
a move somehow, then Jab+Short VC and do Low Short chain-to Low Forward
cancel-to Jab Tornado chain-to Fierce Tornado. OK, it's not a biggie,
but it'll do for now.
If the opponent is in the corner, you can do a variation: Jab+Short
VC, Low Short into Low Forward into Forward Ruffian Kick into Roundhouse
Ruffian Kick. |
11. Ziggy
scribbled on 15 Aug 98 about Air slam after crimminal upper
Yes. That's right. You can hit a juggled
opponent with an air grab. Many of you probably already knew this,
but I haven't seen it posted yet, so I thought I'd do the honors.
So far I've only done it w/ Cody, but that means nothing since he's
the only person I even tried it with. It makes his c. short>jab hurricane
(that I love so much) even more useful, since this move will hit them
alot of times even if they bounce. After the hurricane launches the
opponent, Cody can follow them with a quick jump almost instantly,
much faster than many other character's juggles. But not fast enough
for a guaranteed hit.
Usually if I jumped, my opponent would simply bounce up and kick me
in the head. For some wierd reason, the air grab seems to have more
priority and range than a punch. After launching them, I follow them
up, then just as I see my opponent flash, I've slammed them back down
before they had time to throw even a jab. |
10. Digriz
scribbled on an unknown day about Cody stuff
Combos are overrated. Yes, the twenty
hit re-dizzy corner juggle is great if your opponent is a seven year
old girl, but when you're playing a quality opponent, it doesen't
come to that. Characters like Zangief, Vega, Dhalsim, and ...CODY
are not necessarily combo-oriented at all. That being said, I'll get
to some ways to use cody.
1. Use X-ism or No-Ism. His A-ism supers aren't so hot, and as I mentioned
earlier, you're better off doing more damage with your regular attacks.
if you are using X-ism, then his super is useful because of the fact
that it counters on the first frame, much like Rose's X-ism (and l3)
super, and Dhalsim's as well. this means that there's no delay between
the game interruption and the hit. how to use it? well it isn't the
dandiest, but here's the mechanics: if you are standing and press
any button, you do the animation equivalent of a standing jab, but
will hit even if the opponent is ducking. continuing to press the
button will link into a four hit combo much like Cody's level one
A-ism super. his ducking button press will do a low jab that juggles
and does acceptable damage. his jumping button press is the animation
equivalent of a (hold forward/HK) in the air, which does good damage
and has great priority, and juggles to boot. he retains these moves,
losing all others, until he is hit or a LOT of time passes. he cannot
block during this time. he juggles well with the standing jabs if
your opponent is in the corner and you time it properly. wow that's
a lot of typing.
2. Cody's standing roundhouse kick is the BOMB. it's PROOF against
jump ins if the distance is proper. and the damage is excellent as
well. if you turtle, use it like a CRUTCH, baby.
3. Knife use: I don't see cody players using enough knife. this bothers
me a great deal, because the knife is really excellent when you're
ready to go on the attack. first things first: when you pick it up,
JAB IMMEDIATELY! this interrupts the "play with the knife" animation,
and lets you use it right away. also, you can pick it up, play with
it, and throw it in one smooth motion by picking it up and fireballing.
the knife is FAST, does piddly (but sometimes important) damage when
blocked, and ignores projectiles on its course of flight (as far as
I know). also, "tick" damage occurs when your opponent blocks the
knife attack, as well as a load of guard crush.
4. Throwing rocks is great too, it does more "block damage" than any
other character's projectile attack (X-ism, anyways) hits jumping
characters, recovering characters who tech hit out of things, and
you can psych out opponents with it to boot. enjoy this fantastically
balanced, fun game. |
09. Ziggy
scribbled on 03 Dec 98 about Corner trapping
First off, you have to be a pretty decent Cody to actually corner
your opponent to begin with, but when you do... This isn't a specific
set of moves like Rolento's trap, more of a repeating cycle based
on the block stun of Cody's jab uppercut. It can start and end with
any number of moves, but here's the most basic variation.
(opponent in corner) cr.jab->cr.short->jabhurricane->st.forward->f+roundhouse...
After the roundhouse there are four possible outcomes, three of which
are in your favor. They are, in order of least to most likley...
1. the opponent hits you out of the hop kick with a perfectly timed
ditch attack, most likley a super. Then you should shake the joystick
with a confused look on your face and act like the controller's f---ed
up. It's practically a prerequisite where I play.
2. the opponent stands and blocks the hop kick. The comp. will do
this every time, I've never seen a person do this. It's probably the
best outcome cause it completly resets the poke trap, you land as
they are still blockstunned and start all over.
3. The opponent crouches under the hop kick and it whiffs. It's riskier
to try and restart the trap from here, but it is possible. You'd probably
be better off with a KK throw.
4. The opponent attempts to jump out of the corner, or attack you
from it, and the hop kick connects. I wonder why I even bothered with
those first three, against a human opponent this will always happen.
Something about the way the first steps look, now the opponent is
convinced your done and will always do something stupid. Immediatly
after it connects throw a standing fierce and cancel it into a roundhouse
criminal kick or hurricane, and back off.
Here are some variations/tips on the above trap. After the st.forward
throw a jab rock and then the f+roundhouse. (but you can't cancel
the forward, so it gives the opponent a slight window to hop out)
After the jab uppercut, cr.fierceXXfierce uppercut (but you will be
hit afterwards, so only do if their guard meter is next to nothing)
If you follow the jab upper with a short/forward criminal kick, or
a cr. forward, you get a better chance of block damage, as opposed
to the forward which may hit cause there is a split second between
the jab upper and it. Try a Iron Knee or a VC after the hurricane
once you have their guard meter down to your satisfaction.
Once you get these going, you'll find other ways to keep your opponent
pinned, it's just that there's to many possible variables and I can't
post for all of them. |
08. Ziggy
scribbled on 21 Aug 98 about Normal moves
His f+roundhouse is his most useful ground
attack IEHO (In Everybodies Humble opinion) but he's got some other
good weapons.
His standing roundhouse, fierce , strong and crouching fierce are
all excellent anti air. If, your being beaten out of the air, use
jumping punches, especially fierce. His ducking strong seems to come
out slow, but it has sick priority. I've hit shoto's out of sweep
animations with this one. His standing and crouching jabs only become
really useful when he has the knife, at which point they should become
your primary weapon. I tend to overuse the c. short cause it cancels
into the tornado uppercut and Cody can juggle like a madman. (OT,
but try this one. juggle them with an uppercut, then walk forward,
expecting them to bounce out. just before they land on their feet,
use a f+roundhouse. They'll be juggled. Repeat. The trick is to wait
until after they've bounced).
As for the VC, I've done the same thing a couple of times. Try activating
a quick one (jab+short) anywhere, then using a random series of short
and forward criminal kicks, c. forwards, and f+roundhouses. THese
will all push them into the corner, where you can use the same basic
principle, just mix in a few uppers for guard damage, then use two
of the above moves to get close again. Repeat.he lag animation that
happens after Cody picks up the knife (he flips it over and smiles)
can be cancelled by hitting any punch button. He will then perform
the punch, so it's best to use jab since it comes out very quickly. |
07. KaiserTuk
scribbled on an unknown day about Cody stuff
Criminal Upper : Isn't really that great.
Has a long recovery. You can juggle for 10+ but thats only if your
opponant doesn't recover properly. Its most useful in the corner and
in combos. Not sure why he considers it a cheap move though....
Bad Stone: Is NOT his worst move at all. Its an excellent projectile
that has quite a few uses. 1. Timed correctly you can throw it over
a fireball to hit your enemy for a major counter. 2. Excellent tool
for zoning characters. Some characters have a LOT of difficulty dealing
with the Bad Stone. 3. You can hold the Stone for a few seconds to
psyche out your opponant.
A ism Super: Final Destruction - A high hitting super (can be ducked)
in which he throws a series of punches. Excellent for countering fireballs
and other standing attacks. Worthless against airbourne and crouching
enemies. You can tack on an extra fierce, roundhouse or jab (possibly
strong) tornado after the level 2 or 3 version is finished (not sure
about level 1).
A ism Super: Dead End Irony - His kick super. Excellent for snuffing
low attacks, not as effective for standing attacks. You can add a
jump kick after the Level 3 version and possibly other attacks. Its
more useful than Charlie's Crossfire Blitz.
Here are some of Cody's Basic Combos
Jump-in, cr. fierce, jab or strong tornado, roundhouse raffian kick.
- One of his most reliable juggle combo.
Jump-in, cr. fierce, jab or strong tornado, fierce tornado. - Works
only if opponant is in the corner and/or doesn't recover properly.
Due to A3's juggle system you can add many different attacks to the
end of this combo.
Jump-in, cr. jab, cr. short, forward raffian kick. - Your basic combo.
Final Destruction, fierce OR roundhouse OR jab (maybe strong) tornado.
-As mentioned before you can add on an attack. Works best in the corner
of course.
Level 3 Dead End Irony, Jump Attack -Not sure what else can be added
yet. Not sure about Level 1 or 2 but I know this works for level 3.
If anybody knows how to use Cody's Xism super properly please post.
Also post if you have any decent Variable Combos. By the way, you
can't keep doing a juggle combo over and over, you get one juggle
per chance. If your opponant is dumb enough to recover in the corner
you can continue to punish however. |
06. Ziggy
scribbled on an unknown day about Knife lag
The lag animation that happens after Cody
picks up the knife (he flips it over and smiles) can be cancelled
by hitting any punch button. He will then perform the punch, so it's
best to use jab since it comes out very quickly. |
05. LordBBH
scribbled on 04 Aug 98 about F+roundhouse crack kick
Cody's forward + roundhouse [HK] move
is a hop kick that knocks down. It can easily be ducked and made seemingly
worthless. BUT... if you hop kick and they block low, you are in the
perfect position to throw. Why is this so great? Because it moves
Cody along the screen quickly, and helps you push your opponent into
the corner (which is great for Cody, since you can start traps/mind
games with the Jab [LP] Criminal Upper). Most opponents won't be able
to react in time, so they get thrown. Also, Cody's kick throw does
huge damage (the punch throw tosses them farther away though, which
is better for corner trapping).
There are some varaitions on this scenario. The opponent might stick
out a low ground attack, for example. If done just before you do the
move, chances are you will hop over it and either hit them or be in
the perfect position to throw. If they did it late, you run the risk
of getting swept or eating a combo. If they did a high move, chances
are you will either beat their attack cleanly or at least trade hits
(and most likely the trade will be in your favor). If they just block
high, you get a good amount of Guard Crush damage (like around 3/4
of a block).
Obviously you can't win matches by relying on this tactic alone, but
it's great to throw in every now and then, like every round or two.
Hell, forward + roundhouse [HK] seems to be one of (if not THE) his
best moves to attack with from the ground. |
04. Tat
scribbled on 19 Sep 98 about Random Cody strats
Well, here are some other useful strategies
for my main man. His S.Forward can snuff EVERY low attacks of shotos
(ARKs). Throw it every now and then to discourage their low footy
into fireball crap.
Use his Low Forward (the short slide) from a distance to tempt players
into sweeping while you jump-in for a free combo or follow-up with
a F+Roundhouse to hop over their low attacks.
As usual, F+Roundhouse is his most useful move, ABUSE IT!! ...hehe...
Play corner trapping, I can't say this enough. He's one of the few
characters that excel in trapping and psyching people, the others
Dhalsim, Karin and maybe Guy. Also, his Jumping Roundhouse hits very
early (much like Karin's Jumping Short) so ARKs who love their deep
uppercuts will get messed up. |
03. Pat
scribbled on an unknown day about V-Cody
In V-ism, instead of blocking, he dodges!
Moves will go right through him, and therefore will not knock him
back or lower his guard meter. All you have to do is block normally!
Here are times where he will actually block a move though: 1. attacks
that have to be blocked low. 2. jumping attacks. 3. combos that started
with a low attack. 4. overheads. you have to block high like everyone
else! 5. moves that would hit multiple times, like a super DP. He
will dodge projectiles, *super fireballs* (btw, I despise Ryu!), crouching
attacks that can be blocked high.
Now a bit of V-ism Cody strategy. Getting close is easy if the opponent
relies on projectiles to keep you away, just dodge, and if you're
close enough, do a LK or MK Ruffian Kick. If you're close enough,
you can often hit your opponent with a combo coming out of a dodge.
People will likely go low attack happy on you, since you can't dodge
low attacks. So learn the all important art of 'playing foot'. Stay
just beyond their low attack range, move forward a little, move back
in time so the low attack misses you, then punish them with a Ruffian
kick. If he keeps short kicking, throw a rock at him, or MK Ruffian
kick. If he jumps, you do a standing roundhouse or high Ruffian kick.
If he turtles, the standing forward kick does pretty good guard meter
damage, and is the only normal move that has decent range and comes
out reasonably fast. But you'll find yourself doing the Ruffian kick
often. Read the other submissions on the use of Bad Stone. I've haven't
much to say about customs since I'm working on the them right now
(anybody has suggestions?), but it's not hard to give people a hard
time without SCs or Customs, just play it carefully. But activating
your custom seems to make people panic and change their strategy though
And finally, V-ism has really, and I mean really low guard meter.
It is extremely important that you don't put youself in a position
were you have to block all the time. Dodge, jump away, roll, whatever,
do an AC if you must, it's better than having your opponent break
your guard. In conclusion I'd like to say that a match between two
V-ism Codys has got to be the most annoying fight ever. |
02. Ziggy
scribbled on an unknown day about C.short -> crimminal, poking
My strategy is: crouching short [LK] into
jab hurricane upper [LP Criminal Upper] opponents to death. If it
hits, They're sent straight up and you can usually get an extra standing
fierce [HP] or towards + roundhouse [HK] in even if they recover [just
wait until they do, then hit them]. If they block, you get to tick
them with towards + roundhouse [HK], because you come out of the move
just as they finish blocking it.
Keep pushing them by mixing up the pokes. The crouching forward [MK]
and Ruffian Kicks work well too, but once you use them you can't follow
up. Push them into a corner and lay on with a VC. Try activating a
quick one (LP+LK) anywhere, then using a random series of short [LK]
and forward [MK] Ruffian Kicks, crouching forwards [MK], and towards
+ roundhouses [HK]. These will all push them into the corner, where
you can continue to use the same basic principle, just mix in a few
Criminal Uppers for guard damage, then use the above moves to get
close again. Repeat. Just don't miss a Criminal Upper or the lag will
destroy you. |
01. Joseph
Tang scribbled on an unknown day about Cody stuff
One of Cody's basic combo is (jump heavy
punch/kick) + (crouch medium punch)+(Raffian Kick). The aforesaid
combo is available in all X, V, and Z-ism.
Cody also has another air juggle combo which is (jump heavy punch)+(crouch
light punch)+(criminal upper)+(jump heavy punch). If the opponent
is forced to one end of the screen, you can juggle him with the same
combo again and again...
In V-ism, Cody seems to be even invincible, 'coz he will evade most
attacks automatically without taking anything off from the life bar
and the guard bar (like what is going on King of Fighters), this particular
feature has made Cody a real pain-in-the-ass. |
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